CROSSOVER STEP also known as Mayim and Grapevine
To travel to the right: To travel to the left:
Cross right foot in front of left foot Cross left foot in front of right foot
Take left foot out to side Take right foot out to side
Cross right foot behind left foot Cross left foot behind right foot
Take left foot out to side Take right foot out to side
Repeat as required Repeat as required
Step right foot forward
Draw right foot backward and step left foot forward
Step left foot level with right foot
(can be done with left foot by reversing feet)
CHICOSIA STEP correct spelling Tcherkessia
Cross left foot over right foot, lift right foot slightly
Put right foot down and left back to centre
Cross right foot over left foot, lift left foot slightly
Put left foot down and right foot back to centre
This is a series of small quick steps
Right-left-right then left-right-left
The first step is to the right with the left-right on the spot
Step left then right-left on the spot
Take a small side step to the right, putting your weight on the right foot
Transfer weight back to left foot
Bring right foot in front of left foot and transfer weight to right foot
Take a small side step to the left, transfering weight to left foot
Transfer weight back to right foot
Step left foot in front of right foot and transfer weight to left foot
Step right left right then left right left
These steps are done forwards or round the circle
1-2 STEP a bit like hopscotch
Jump to right with both feet (feet slightly apart)
Land on left foot only-right knee bent, put right foot down to start next step
Hands up in air, palms up.
Right foot pointed forward ( weight is on left foot )
DRAG STEP known as a David or Heel David
Right foot goes diagonally forward ( foot is flexed, with the weight on the heel )
Left foot is dragged towards the right foot
Right or left foot brushes the ground, lifting the knee.
The movement is away from the body